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Mar 20, 2019 - The Quality of Your Highway Sign Structure Is So Important! Heres Why. | Overhead Sign Structures Manufacturers

City planners, architects, and designers alike must establish proper implementation of these signs by making sure, not only the written elements of the sign are there, but the structure holding them up. Working in harmony with sign structure manufacturers can help make certain that these signs remain intact for all those on the road.

Feb 19, 2019 - Canada’s Road Authority Council Sites These as the Most Important Traffic Poles | Decorative Traffic Signal Poles

Infrastructural pole manufacturers in Canada are constantly innovating to create attractive and durable solutions. In this article, we’ve shortlisted the most crucial poles that are at the top of the agenda in 2019.

Jan 17, 2019 - Highway Sign Structures: How to Choose the BEST Solution for Your Next Project

Choosing the right street sign structure is a nuanced process. To help you ensure durability, optimal visibility and attractiveness in your street pole, we’ve compiled this quick step-by-step guide. Browse through it here!

Dec 06, 2018 - 4 Secrets to Picking the RIGHT Street Lighting Pole for Your Next Project!

Looking for durable and attractive lighting poles for your next commercial project? We can help! Here are a few integral factors to consider while making that final decision.

Nov 19, 2018 - 4 Things Outdoor Lighting Poles Do Besides Simply Illuminating the Area

Like indoor lighting, exterior light sources are just as important to provide a safe, comfortable and relaxing environment. But did you know that they do so much more than simply illuminate the area?

Oct 23, 2018 - Traffic Light Poles: Little Known Benefits and Applications

Traffic light poles perform a whole host of jobs - most of which are widely ignored. You probably wouldn’t guess these little known (and surprising!) benefits and applications.

Sep 11, 2018 - Quick Facts About Flood Lighting & Its Diverse Application Areas!

The right type of flood lighting and pertinent fixtures have a huge role to play when it comes to the success of your overall infrastructure project?

Aug 29, 2018 - Open House BBQ!

Nova Pole International invites you to join us for an Open House at our new Surrey location. Come and check out Nova Pole’s new facility, our products and meet our staff. 

Aug 08, 2018 - The Benefits of Investing in High-Quality Dead End Distribution Utility Poles

Dead end distribution poles play an integral role in community infrastructure and are a ubiquitous feature in our cities and towns. They perform the tricky job of supporting transmission lines to facilitate the transfer of electricity at very high voltages.

Jul 18, 2018 - Decorative Outdoor Light Posts - Combining Aesthetics with Functionality!

Come heavy rain, a snow storm or an unfortunate collision by a vehicle, a well-constructed outdoor light post can certainly take on whatever comes its way. The significance of outdoor light posts is well known when it comes to providing visibility, safety and security to pedestrians and other road users.