CellTech5g Pole
Nova Pole International has developed an industry leading solution for telecommunications carriers globally to deploy small cell 5G technology. Nova CellTech is a tested and approved multi-carrier capable pole that can be aesthetically customized for your exact requirements.
ABOUT 5G: While 5G will deliver connection speeds 100x’s greater than current wireless signal it will need to have a telecommunications carriers equipment in closer proximity then is currently the case with 4G. This closer proximity architecture is commonly called “densification” and is best implemented with smaller physical devices known as “small cell radios”. Telecommunications carriers globally are beginning the effort to deploy the small cells which Nova CellTech is designed to house in the base of its poles with antenna on top. This small cell densification requires aesthetically pleasing deployment solutions which Nova Pole International specializes in and is best prepared to provide the market.
The advantages of the Nova CellTech pole to that of all competitors are many, varied and important:
- Multi-Tenant capable: the Nova CellTech designed base enclosure allows for as many as 12 devices to be securely and safely installed inside. From distribution panels, power UPS, smart city IoT sensors and 5G signal equipment, the CellTech enclosure allows for secured access without the use of ladders and heavy equipment.
- CellTech pole circumference and height: Municipal zoning requirements are not an issue with the Nova CellTech pole when is comes to pole diameter or height. The unique design features of the CellTech enclosure allow for the client to order CellTech poles as small as 12 inches in diameter which is a first in multitenant design. Pole heights are customized based on requirements, environmental guidelines and engineering standards. In summary CellTech poles can be ordered in the diameter and height you need.
- Aesthetics: as it relates to 5G densification efforts, aesthetics are the priority. From matching current pole installations, detailed custom design, specific pole materials/metals and meeting exacting standards, Nova CellTech is the best company to provide these features. A highly desired and differentiating ability of the CellTech manufacturing capabilities is the ability to produce fluted poles. You will soon find fluted pole production capability is an extremely difficult capability to find when looking for a 5G small cell deployment solution.
- Street Lighting: Nova Pole International has over 30 years’ experience in working with street lighting solutions. This experience along with its partnership with www.SternbergLighting.com make Nova CellTech the choice when needing to deploy your 5G small cell pole with street lighting.
- Smart City project expertise: Nova Pole Internationals division www.SmarterCity.Tech provides all CellTech clients with Smart City Technical expertise. SmarterCity.Tech focuses on the physical deployment of smart city technologies and management/storage/analytics of the resulting data. SmarterCity.Tech uses Microsoft Azure and its micro edge data center solutions to deliver a full smart city 5G service portfolio
- Manufacturing and design capabilities: a predominant issue currently is the confluence of the various industries needed for a product like Nova CellTech to be in production. From telecommunications equipment expertise to street lighting to pole design and production the industries needed to create a solution such as Nova CellTech have not traditionally communicated. Nova Pole International is uniquely positioned to provide a 5G small cell smart light pole which includes all of the expertise necessary for a complete and well-designed product. The not least of which is the Nova Pole International manufacturing and production capabilities (ie NOT outsourced). With 5 manufacturing facilities in two countries and the design expertise to customize your solution we are truly best positioned to provide you the best experience in the market.

In summary, Nova Pole International’s CellTech pole is the industry leading solution in the market for small cell deployment. Nova Pole International engineering/ design, production capabilities, street lighting expertise and smart city knowledge are assured to make your experience the best possible in the market:
- Optimal delivery schedules for poles with or without lighting
- Customization such as fluted pole design unavailable elsewhere in the industry
- The myriad of various industry expertise necessary for the creation AND production of a small cell pole from one company

For more information on Nova CellTech, please contact Kevan Buick kbuick@novapole.com
Nova CellTech Data Sheet