Feb 24, 2020 - The Importance of Effective Street Light Poles | Street Lighting Poles


We pass by street lights and lighting poles every time we’re on the road and they help illuminate things into sight when everything gets dark. Good lighting brightens the design and grandeur of a particular space and brings out its best aspects. 


Public spaces are changing rapidly and that includes the street poles used to light up our roads. As people incorporate smart devices into their lives, smart technology can be used to benefit both public services and the community around them. There are many possibilities for street lighting poles beyond illuminating our neighbourhoods. 

Lighting is as effective as the equipment it is made of and helps illuminate streets with industry-grade tubular steel or aluminum poles that get the job done safely and efficiently. So we’d like to give you some thoughts on the importance of street light poles and why they matter more than you may think. 




Smart Technology

Technology has ways of evolving and street light poles are no different. A light pole has the potential to act as a hub for gathering information about city services from sensors and business information from databases. There’s the great possibility of bringing it all together on one platform to engage with the local community. 

Since these fixtures are placed in the public area, various city services could gather information by installing video surveillance for traffic, sensors for mass-transit, and communication modules with information kiosks. All of this would be integrated and packaged for someone to easily deliver information to people through their smartphones.




Pedestrian Safety

Lighting poles provide security and safety for those driving on the road or those walking nearby. As they are spaced out appropriately between each other, they can eliminate dark spots and alert people of other potential hazards like trees, shrubs, or extra larger buildings. This not only protects the driver but also the pedestrians walking or biking along. Moreover, the appropriate spacing of street lights also prevents glare from distracting drivers on the road, so they know where they’re driving and who’s in view. 

More lighting can also help deter criminal activity in certain cases and give people some peace of mind whenever they are outside. Better coverage of blind spots or dark areas lets people know where others are and what is happening at every moment. 





The perfect street lighting pole not only does its job effectively but can also look good in doing so. They can add a beautiful ambiance, beauty, and appeal to a plain, open space. Depending on the design, they can also blend well with historic infrastructures, business area, or any residential community. 

Good lighting, in general, can also be used to effectively highlight other features of an area such as statues, fountains, gardens, and so much more. Seeing more of your surroundings can help you appreciate the area you frequent often. 




Here’s How to Learn More 

Want to learn more about the importance of street light poles? Our team at Nova Pole design, manufacture, and market tubular steel and aluminum poles for use in highway and street lighting, traffic signalling, wireless communication, and many more. We’ll make sure your project has the right lights 



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